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All about Narration

All about Narration

The manner in which the words , spoken by a person , are expressed , is called Narration in English grammar .

the words of speaker can be expressed in two ways ;

a. Direct speech

b. Indirect speech

Direct speech: The actual words of a speaker may be conveyed or expressed or reported as it is , for example : within inverted commas , is called direct speech .

Indirect speech : When the actual words of a speaker are not reported as they are , but only the substance of those words with the speech is said to be Indirect speech .

example ;

Direct : He says to me , " I can meet you now "

Indirect : He tells me that he can meet me then .

In Direct speech

Reported verbs : The portion of the speech , placed outside the inverted commas , has a verb that introduces the reported speech , is called Reported verb . Here ,' says' - is reported verb .

Reported speech : The portion of the speech , placed within the inverted commas , is called Reported speech . Here , " I meet you now " is a Reported speech .

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