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Hello guys! Today you are going to know about some Reading skills and at the End of this article, there is a link to the free video course by Simon !

so let's start!

Well! we know! We should always do the Reading with understanding but this may be time-consuming​! Sometimes we didn't know the meaning of a particular word or they may use synonyms in the passage! And there will be 40 questions that we will have to answer ...

So READING in IELTS is a part where we may suffer a problem of timing...!

It's hard to answer all 40 questions!

Here I am giving the right way by which you can manage your time properly...

Before moving to the skills!


There will be three paragraphs!

First one will be easy, second will be moderate, and the last one will be hard!

So to manage your time-

  • Spend 17 minutes on the FIRST PARAGRAPH.

  • Spend 20 minutes on the SECOND PARAGRAPH .

  • And spend 23 minutes on the THIRD PARAGRAPH.

REMEMBER ONE THING !always write answers on your answersheet simultaneously...!there will be no extra time given to transfer your answer.


  • GUYS!! You may be heard about skimming and scanning rule!!

When we are given to find the HEADING OF THE PASSAGE ,bear in mind that

The main idea of passage will be given in the first line!!Just understand the first line to understand the idea and skim(look quickly) the paragraph.

  • SCANNING means you just underline the name,dates,percentages or any other numeric value!!

  • Don't ever underline the whole paragraph!! This will only increase your confusion!!!

After knowing the Basics about Reading module! I am uploading a video course by Simon with Samples to practice! It's really a helpful free video course!

Many of you may struggle to get the exact skills you need in the READING!

So I hope this will help you for sure!

Click here to reach the Reading course

simon video course


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